Powerboat Racing Fun Facts

2. Powerboat racing was recognized as an official sport for the first time in 1904.
3. Organized by the American Power Boat Association, the Gold Cup started on the Hudson in 1904.
4. Up until the early 90s, only 4 types of boats were allowed into this sport. Today, powerboats of all types will be seen racing.
5. In the 1920s, racing boats adopted "planing hulls" for skimming across the water at high speeds, rather than the traditional deep v-shaped "displacement" hulls.
6. After World War II, hulls were made more and more from metals and fiberglass, as opposed to wood.
7. Most powerboats are driven by a high-speed jet of water as opposed to by a propeller screw.
8. In the past, a powerboat cockpit consisted of just a start, steering wheel and throttle. Today, the cockpit also features other controls such as a fuel pump switch, red and yellow warning lights and an airbag.
9. The rules of the F1 car racing championship are similar to the F1 power boat championship. The number of participating boats and racers, as well as the duration of the race are the same. However, F1 boats accelerate much faster than the fastest F1 race cars.
10. As of 2007, all powerboats are required to have a protective crash box installed. Other safety features added include shock-absorbent constructions and airbags.
11. In the 1990s, the concept of airbags in powerboats was launched. Not only do they protect the driver in the event of a crash, but they will also help delay the sinking of the vessel until help arrives.
Summerset Boat Lifts hopes you have a fun-filled weekend as the Lake of the Ozarks is overtaken by some of the fastest powerboats in the country! If you are in need of any Lake of the Ozarks boat lift repairs or service this weekend, give us a call at 573-348-5073. We're here for all your boat lift needs!
1165 Jeffries Road Osage Beach, MO 65065
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